Monday 27 February 2017

Always buy liquor from Dubai airport and not from Indian airports. I checked the prices of some liquor costed 80 USD in Dubai and 100 USD in Mumbai Airport

Tuesday 28 June 2016


United we rise..divided we fall? - Really??

EU is a group of 27 countries which is currently ruled by Diplomats (Who are not elected by the electorate). All 27 countries have very different agendas.

Some important facts

  • In 2015 the UK government paid £13 billion to the EU budget, and EU spending on the UK was £4.5 billion. So the UK’s ‘net contribution’ was estimated at about £8.5 billion. 
  • UK has spent £500 billion cost since joining the EU,  Applying the discount reduces the figure to about £380 billion, or £9 billion a year.

Tax & Restriction
EU creates a European market which makes artificial barriers for other low cost countries bringing in low cost goods.
Economics 101 states that any artificial barriers makes the market inefficient. Imagine if you can get lower cost goods in EU.. will the cost of living go up or down? The economies have to reinvent themselves. This is the future! 
EU has been a big trading partner of UK. But the bigger question is who needs whom more? UK can get bigger trade deals. Due to restrictions from the EU a large part of the fishing industry has suffered as they are not allowed to export the fish. Since EU is supporting some other EU country for their fishing industry. Many UK people feel disfranchised.. communities have been let down by the EU.

Syrian Refugees
The influx of migrants. Huge number of syrian refugees had to be given refuge based on the order from the EU. Some countries, including Hungary and Slovakia, have rejected that suggestion outright. With the migrants came the terrorists. The number of terrorist attacks in Belgium, pairs have astronomically increased. The security of the realm is the most important factor. If you notice the GCC has not allowed even one migrant in their country.

EU bailing out Greece
Just rewind the clock back when EU is bailing out Greece. Greeks wanted out of the EU, but EU had put huge restrictions on them. Basically British Tax payers are subsidizing the luxuries of Greeks and other not well to do states. 

Visa liberalization process/Immigration
We need to compare how many UK citizens settle in poorer EU cousins [poland,slovakia] and vise versa. Just by allowing Visa liberalization if that gives free access to cheap migrant workers is very detrimental to UK citizens. The negative point is we block out the important skills but this can be achieved by a good Immigration policy.

UK never believed in the concept of the fiscal union of EU thats why it never joined it.[European common currency]

Understandably Young people want more mobility, but I believe the millennials understand the basic concepts of economics. The European tax can subsidies entire NHS and higher education in UK.

I think this is a very shrewd move made by the Britons as they know EU is a decadent organisation that will collapse when one of the big countries like france, spain defaults in the near future.  Trump called this out correctly. No brainer there.

Being a millennial does not mean that you have been marginalized but the larger picture of the other 52% also needs to be put in perspective.